A band pass filter is a device that passes frequencies within a certain range and rejects (attenuates) frequencies outside that range, and it’s used to selectively transmit a portion of the spectrum while rejecting all other wavelengths.
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Longpass filters are ideal for a variety of applications, such as gas monitoring, temperature, sensing, thermal imaging and motion sensing, etc. Longpass filters block shorter wavelengths and transmit longer wavelengths. Blocking can be from reflectance, absorption or a combination. Transmission in the pass band can be enhanced with an antireflection coating on the second surface.
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A Neutral Density filter allows a photographer to control the exposure in an image very easily. The filter stops light reaching the camera sensor, therefore allowing us to leave the camera with a higher aperture for a longer amount of time.
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Crystal are main applied for laser application. UNI OPTICS offers the following crystal products.
1. Laser Crystals and Rods: YAG crystal, Nd: YVO4 Crystal
2. Nonlinear Crystals: BBO, KTP, LiNbO3, LBO. KDP&DKDP
3. Birefringent Crystals: YVO4, a-BBO, Calcite.
Laser Lenses are used to focus collimated light from laser beams in a variety of laser applications. Laser Lenses include a range of lens types including PCX Lenses, Cylinder Lenses, or Laser Generator Lenses. Laser Lenseare designed to focus light in several different ways depending on the lens type, such as focusing down to a point, a line, or a ring. Many different lens types are available in a range of wavelengths.
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